The Disputed Kingship and the Democratization of Everything
From the earliest years after the death and resurrection of Christ, the affirmation “Jesus is Lord,” that is, Jesus is King, has been the fundamental Christian confession of faith. But is he King? And if he is, what difference does it make in the corridors of power and in everyday living?
James Tonkowich is Director of Distance Learning at Wyoming Catholic College. Jim’s work history includes business, youth ministry, pastoring a Presbyterian congregation, managing the daily radio commentary BreakPoint with Chuck Colson, leading the Institute on Religion & Democracy, a Washington think tank, and developing a variety of distance learning projects. In addition to his duties at the college, Jim continues to study and comment on the intersection of religion and public life. He writes a regular column for The Stream and is the author of The Liberty Threat: The Attack on Religious Freedom in America Today from St. Benedict Press. When not working, Jim enjoys golf, fly-fishing, skiing, hiking, guitar, cooking, and life in Lander down the street from his four grandchildren.
He holds a degree in philosophy from Bates College and both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Jim is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America.
Faith and Law is a non-profit ministry started by policy makers and for policy makers.