Reflecting on Israel-Gaza at One Year: Perspectives from the three Abrahamic Faiths. RSVP

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Reading Groups

Senior Staff Reading Group: Just War Theory and the Gaza conflict

This event is by invitation only.

Dr. Eric Patterson is President and CEO of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

A foreign policy expert and long-time fighter of totalitarianism, Dr. Patterson previously served as President of the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI), where he led the organization’s efforts to advocate for religious liberty around the world through training and educational programs for students, teachers, public officials, and other audiences. Prior to RFI, Dr. Patterson was a university dean and professor. His government experience includes service as a White House Fellow, at the U.S. Department of State, and, for over 20 years, as an Air National Guard commander. He is an active scholar on the moral dimensions of national security and international affairs, as well as author of over 20 books, including Just American Wars: Ethical Dilemmas in U.S. Military History and the co-edited volume The Reagan Manifesto: ‘A Time for Choosing’ and Its Influence.

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F&L is unique because of the overarching community in DC that undergirds it. The sense of community, family, and partnership is tangible. It’s apparent people are living out their dream, by chronicling a Biblical narrative in the midst of our Nation’s Capital.
Hill Staffer
F&L is a Christian ministry that seeks to present an informed, Christian worldview to matters of public policy.
Agency Staffer
I would absolutely say that F&L has brought a unique display of community and connection to the Hill, along with an invaluable sense of knowledge and experience to young staffers that wouldn’t otherwise be here if it weren’t for F&L.
Hill Staffer