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In partnership with Hillsdale College

Is Religious Liberty Compatible with Progress?

Friday, April 4, 2025
12:00pm – 1:00pm

Is the purpose of religious liberty to end religious oppression or is it to change, perhaps even eradicate, religion as it has been known across history? That question has been at the heart of America’s debates about religious liberty since the founding era and it still plagues us today.  A study of this founding era debate helps us understand an important tension that has persisted across American history.

Dr. Richard Samuelson is an Associate Professor of Government at Hillsdale College’s Washington, D.C., campus.  Dr. Samuelson is an historian of the American founding and of American politics and constitutional thought.  He graduated from Bates College and received his MA and PhD in American history from the University of Virginia.  Dr. Samuelson taught at California State University San Bernardino from 2007 to 2022. He was the 2009-2010 Garwood Visiting Fellow at Princeton University’s James Madison Program.

Dr. Samuelson has written extensively on John Adams and on the Adams family of Massachusetts, and on the constitutional politics of the founding more largely.  His work also connects the founding with more contemporary issues, with a particular focus on religious liberty, and the challenge the modern American state, and contemporary civil rights laws present to religious liberty.

His essays and reviews have appeared in The Review of PoliticsThe William and Mary QuarterlyCommentaryThe Claremont Review of BooksThe Public InterestNational Review, and other publications.  He has also contributed many essays and reviews to such online publications as MosaicLaw and LibertyRealclearpolitics, and other platforms. 

By Policy Makers, For Policy Makers

Faith and Law is a non-profit ministry started by policy makers and for policy makers.