Juneteenth 2021 – Honesty, Solidarity, Hope in Action
9:00am – 10:00am
Click here to watch a recording of the event
This summer marks the 5th time Coracle has hosted a Juneteenth event in the Corhaven Graveyard (a burial ground for enslaved African Americans). Historically, these events have commemorated the lives of those who are at rest in the graveyard while celebrating the Emancipation Day that would have brought the freedom they always should have possessed. Last year, in the wake of widespread racial unrest following the death of George Floyd and others, they instead hosted a powerful Service of Lament, and over 500 people from all over the country tuned in.
This Juneteenth, Faith and Law will partner with Coracle and gather together Online for an hour of reflection, prayer, and sharing from a range of voices representing communities in Baltimore, the Shenandoah Valley, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC.
Together, we will be exploring three themes:
1) Honesty– honoring this occasion and taking part in this established tradition requires that we honestly face the painful elements of American history so that we can rightfully remember and celebrate the lives of those who rest in the Corhaven Graveyard and their kin across the country.
2) Solidarity– acknowledging the fact that Juneteenth is not a “church holiday,” we believe it is a holiday that the church in America, united, ought to honor and celebrate.
3) Hope in Action – though there is deep brokenness around issues of race in our nation, it is worth lifting our eyes to see and celebrate those bringing healing and light as they fight tirelessly to represent God’s heart of justice and peace for all people everywhere.
We hope to provide an opportunity to commemorate this occasion in a way that is informed explicitly by our Christian faith. This is also an opportunity to come together around the need for racial healing in America, across different faith traditions, united in Christ.
Wherever you are, you and your whole family and your church community are most welcome at this special time together! We will lament, remember, acknowledge, and celebrate together.
Faith and Law is a non-profit ministry started by policy makers and for policy makers.