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Rachel and Gus Barkley
May 2, 12:00pm

Able to Succeed: People with Disabilities and the Imago Dei

Chelsey YoumanRev. Dean Nelson

Serving Women and Children in a Post-Roe World

William Saunders

The Dobbs Case: Is abortion a “right” without a constitutional foundation?

Michaelene Fredenburg

Forget Me Not

Louis BrownWilliam Saunders

Religious Freedom in Healthcare

John Finnis

Abortion is Unconstitutional

Mary E. HarnedMichael J. NewTessa Longbons

More Radical than Roe: The New Absolutism on Abortion

Francie Broghammer, MDPete Peterson

Why Should Policy Leaders (and Policy Schools) Care about Loneliness?

Dr. Ingrid Skop, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Chemical Abortion 101

Dr. Catherine Pakaluk

The Economic Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis

Kimberly Kuo

Fighting for Life: Why Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia are Not the Answer

Canon Gideon ByamugishaDr. Jenny Dyer

The Role of Faith Leaders in Uganda and the U.S. in the Fight against Global AIDS