Reflecting on Israel-Gaza at One Year: Perspectives from the three Abrahamic Faiths. RSVP

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Last Chance Republic: Why the Next Four Years will be Momentous for the US, Whoever Wins the Election


Os Guinness is an Anglo-Irishman, and an author and social critic. Born in China in World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries, he was a witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949. He was educated in England, where he completed his undergraduate degree at the University of London and his D.Phil in the social sciences from Oxford University. Os has written or edited more than thirty books, including The Call, Unspeakable, A Free People’s Suicide, The Global Public Square, and The Magna Carta of Humanity. His latest books are The Great Quest, Zero Hour America, and Signals of Transcendence.

Os has been a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies, a Guest Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum. Always passionate about religious freedom, he was the lead drafter of the Williamsburg Charter in 1988, a bicentennial celebration of the bicentennial of the US First Amendment, and later a drafter of “The Global Charter of Conscience” and “The American Charter of freedom of religion and conscience.” He lives with his wife Jenny in the Washington DC area.

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Senior Staff Reading Group Just War Theory and the Gaza conflict

Dr. Eric Patterson

It’s helped spark ideas that I take back to our legislative team and talk through.
Hill Staffer
On a personal level, I’ve become a more well-rounded believer. I’ve thought through and considered many new ideas and practical ways to serve in my job and at home because of Faith and Law.
Hill Staffer
F&L is unique because of the overarching community in DC that undergirds it. The sense of community, family, and partnership is tangible. It’s apparent people are living out their dream, by chronicling a Biblical narrative in the midst of our Nation’s Capital.
Hill Staffer