February Intern Reading Group
12:30pm – 1:30pm
Please join us for the next meeting of the Faith & Law House Intern Reading Group on Friday, February 14th from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in 2325 Rayburn House Office Building to talk about the commandments to honor parents and to not kill.
We will be reading excerpts from two prominent Christian thinkers, Martin Luther and Paul Ramsey, to explore questions about (dis)obedience to government, whether Christians can serve as executioners, and if war can be a form of enemy-love. As Ramsey asks: “What do you think Jesus would have made the [Good] Samaritan do if he had come upon the scene while the robbers were still at their fell work?”
The full reading should only take ten minutes but even if you don’t have time to read in advance you should be able to follow along with our discussion of the texts. *Lunch is provided, but please bring your own drink.* Also, feel free to invite a friend or colleague!
Faith and Law is a non-profit ministry started by policy makers and for policy makers.